About KIHS

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About KIHS



이영기 원장

Lee Young kee

President of the Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey

Thank you for visiting the Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey (KIHS) website.

 Water is a precious resource essential for sustaining both people's lives and the natural environment, serving as the cornerstone of economic development. Consequently, water management constitutes a crucial component of national policy. As Korea's leading public institute specializing in hydrological surveys, KIHS consistently measures, investigates, and analyzes fundamental water data such as stream flow, sediment, and river basin spatial information. These elements form the foundation for establishing water management policies.

 Furthermore, we aim to strengthen our water management capabilities during flood and drought seasons by conducting convergence research through the advancement, automation, digitization, and localization of research and analytic equipment. We actively apply these technologies in the field while establishing collaborative systems with experts and relevant organizations in Korea to support the commercialization of new technologies and facilitate the overseas expansion of Korean companies.

 Additionally, as a hydrological survey institute, we engage in the testing of hydrological survey equipment to ensure the reliable production of hydrological data. Simultaneously, we provide practical training for hydrological survey practitioners.

 At KIHS, we are dedicated to realizing public value, safeguarding the lives and property of the people, enhancing the country's water welfare, and advancing as a global leader in water resources research.

Thank you.